Why Apple does design best?

Apple’s design philosophy is one of the best, their products are simply beautiful. Everything about them personifies simplicity and ease of use. It is something I have always admired about Apple’s products. Think about the polish of iOS in comparison the Androids hard edges. I wanted to talk about how and why Apple does it better.
Apple’s design philosophy filters down from Steve Jobs. This can be dated back to the smiling Mac icon to resemble a human face. One of Apple’s earliest employees once said “To be honest, we didn’t know what it meant for a computer to be ‘friendly’ until Steve told us.” In a time where computers were often feared about their potential, Jobs provided a friendly and interactive interface which encouraged users to engage. Friendliness is an important principle which allows users to want to interactive with a UI. They can gain pleasure and satisfaction from using it.
Another key design principle which is studied to date is Jobs realised that for computers to be easy to use their UI’s had to be based upon metaphors. If you look as far back to iOS 5 the newsstand, notes, reminders and settings all have visual metaphors which allow the user to intuitively navigate the UI with ease. The geeky technical term for all this was a skeuomorphic user interface. Skeuomorphism is a term most often used in GUI design to describe interface objects that mimic their real-world counterparts in how they appear and/or how the user can interact with them. Of course design has changed since that point and a more minimalist design has grown in popularity. This again has been echoed by the latest iOS 11. However at the tem of iOS 5 Apple were ahead of the game.
Another great principle which Jonathon Ive, Apple’s chief design officer speaks about is care. He states “We stand testament to us desperately trying to make the very best product we can because we know someone is going to sit down and stare at this screen and he will sense the care that went in to it.” The level of detail and effort put in to every aspect of design in to Apple’s products can be seen at every inch of the product. From where the camera is placed to the text size. Apple don’t assemble off the shelf components. Everything Apple makes is in house and is made specifically for the job at hand.

I think the most important reason as to why Apple is so successful at design is Steve Jobs really thought about the consumer. He always thought about who he was creating the product for? How are they going to use this system? Apple designed products around this they created innovative products that you simply couldn’t live without. Steve Jobs states “What incredible benefits can we give to the customer, where can we take the customer, not starting with let’s sit down with the engineers and see what awesome technology we have and figure out how we market that?” That single principle should be the basis of every company. This consumer centric approach is the reason behind Apple’s great success.
To conclude Apple’s design process and ethos is one of the world’s best. Yes it results in products which are very expensive but they create products that users demand, they want, they need. Apple’s consumers are loyal because of this, which is very rare to see in a competitive market. They think about every little detail and enforce their principles consistently across every product they make from the iPhone to the iPad. Anyone can pick up any Apple product and immediately know how to use it. That is not an easy thing to do but Apple does it best.  
