How to customise your windows desktop?

If you are sick of looking at the same boring Windows desktop every day. Look no further than Rainmeter. Rainmeter allows you to display customizable skins on your desktop, from hardware usage meters to fully functional audio visualizers. You are only limited by your imagination and creativity. You can change and customize your desktop as you please.
I recently saw this and changed my desktop after watching this YouTube video from Urim Berisha!

It’s free, it’s not resource intensive, and it’s simple and easy to use. Bring your desktop to life using desktop applets and widgets. Typical functionalities of Rainmeter skins include desktop clocks, RSS readerssystem monitors, weather widgets, application launchers, and audio players.

As well as this Rainmeter skins are written in Rainmeter code using a text editor and stored as INI configuration files. System resource values and other information such as weather or time are stored through "meter" values within a skin, which can then be customised.
Here are a few awesome examples of Rainmeter.

Just a quick blog today but be sure to check this out as it can really freshen up your windows desktop!
