My experience with Java

Java, probably my favourite programming language to date. Possibly because it was the first main language I learned during University. Java is a general-purpose language and has existed for over two decades. Its popularity comes from its ease of use, object-oriented design and being platform independent. I have used Java mainly for University projects and really enjoyed using the language! I wanted to give a brief evaluation of the language and my experiences with it.
One of my favourite things about Java was how simple it was to learn, debug and compile. Through its use of automatic memory allocation and garbage collection allowed me to focus on writing and understanding the code as opposed to focusing on memory leaks. I also found that I could pick up programming concepts in Java more easily due to its simple nature. As well as this object-orientation extends my point on the simplicity of the language. An object-oriented language, in my opinion are easier to learn as you can relate them to everyday tasks. Therefore when it came to learning inheritance I could use real world examples in my code to relate to them i.e a pig extends an animal.
In contrast to this a disadvantage of Java is that it is comparatively slower to other languages. For some of my larger projects I have found it takes a lot longer to compute. Especially when you are dealing with computation-heavy algorithms on larger data sets. Other languages have better optimised their language for faster computation.
Another big advantage of Java is its ability to build Android apps. My whole second year University project was based off building an Android game. Of the 432 million smartphones sold in the last quarter, 352 million ran Android (81.7 percent) and 77 million ran iOS (17.9 percent). This shows the importance of Java being so closely tied to Android. Again I found using Java to write Android Apps allowed me to gain a better understanding of programming in a general sense, as well as being able to write logical code with good unit tests. Java’s foundation allowed me to learn other languages more easily due to my solid understanding of programming concepts that Java had taught me.
However despite of all this the competition for Java keeps on getting stiffer. Languages such as Python and PHP also gained a good reputation following Java’s initial release. Some would argue that Java is losing popularity. However Java continues to evolve and is constantly getting updated. As well as this Java dominates business enterprise applications and 90% of Fortune 500 companies use Java according to IDC analyst Al Hilwa. Here are the most popular programming languages in 2018 according to Github.
Java is platform independent which means that java source code can run on all operating systems. The compiler converts the high-level language into a format understood by the machines. As opposed to C++ for example where the compiler generates an .exe file which is operating system dependent. Therefore the software that you build is easily distributed and can be used on any machine! Therefore you get to make apps which are easier to maintain and gain a greater reach as anyone can gain access to them.

To conclude I would really recommend Java to any developer starting out. In my experience it has been my favourite language to develop with. Java is one of the most popular languages today and is demanding by a huge amount of companies today. Due to its object oriented nature, I have always found creating applications in Java lead to clean and reusable code.
